Saturday, June 20, 2009

Open Call for Creative Responsibility

Don't blame our problems on corrupt or inept leaders, or even the bean counters who have now become high priests, and dehumanize decision making into a cost-benefit analysis. They are guilty of a great deal, but we have allowed these people to do what they do. We have only ourselves to blame. WE, the artists and all other creative types generally shy away from the worlds of business, politics, law and every other seat of power in society. We leave it to others.

Who is it who aspires to power? Usually, they are individuals who are motivated by self interest rather than by any sense of public duty. Or they might also have come out of some highly energized special interest, sub group who believes that they have The Answer which everyone else should be made to comply with.

We, the ones with creative juices coursing through our veins, might lend our support to genuinely worthwhile causes here and there, but still usually remain for the most part, elevated above it all. We channel the bulk of our considerable power and resourcefulness into "our work." I do it. It is what I prefer and enjoy more than almost anything else. It is an expression of hope for a perfect world where I have the luxury of concentrating only on such things. It is also a source of personal healing and renewal. And it can be beneficial to others as well.

But the sad truth is, we are at the point when very little time remains. It's not that the end is upon us, but the end of our insulated lives of oblivion is quickly approaching. We need to look around, and decide what sort of action is right for each of us, while there is still time to make any difference.

Those of us who are the most capable of seeing other possibilities need to begin stepping up and helping to lead the way. It is time for us to recognize that we have a Creative Responsibility toward the world. This doesn't mean that we stop doing what we love, but we can't hide away in our own little worlds any longer. It's time to come out, and kick some ass in all of the various competitive arenas we have tended to avoid. It doesn't matter that fair play is non-existent out there. We are the Creators and more than anyone else on the planet, we have the power to change things, if we make use of our abilities. We need to become tougher and prepare for battle. We need to begin to think of ourselves as soldiers. We will be become warriors motivated by a love of our world, and of the creative life which can empower and nourish all who embrace it.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Tarot/ Real Life Follow Up

I believe I have found a good balance point with regard to the need to act before the window of opportunity closes. Not too much and not too little, but most significant for me is simply not just letting go of the possibility. That would be my normal response during a period of "recovery" such as this.

She IS expecting to hear from me later. More details down the road, if and when anything actually worth mentioning unfolds. That will be late Summer or sometime in the Fall. She'll be away for some time and I am very busy. In a way, it's perfect. I am very pleased with these particular results- not being dead in the water sulking, but not going through the motions with no real enthusiasm either. And I am not closing the door on other possibilities. I don't think I will ever do that again, until I feel really certain about someone. And it feels like that will take a while longer than this last time around.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Ace of Cups (inverted)
In the upright position, this card would indicate a new beginning in the realm of one's emotional life. With this orientation though, it seems that I have gotten stuck, or am not moving forward.
Taking time to rest can be of value, so being stuck for a little while is fine,
but if the situation seems to persist, then it's time to look beneath the surface.
Is there a fear which has been draped in logical reasons which is keeping you from what you want or need to do?
Are you just hanging onto your pain and perhaps in a strange way, taking comfort from it?
Your questions might be different, but each of us, deep down, knows what we need to ask
and what things we hide behind.

In my particular case, I have been going through the motions, but have not really been open to anyone new, but that situation could be about to change.

Just yesterday, I felt a very unexpected spark pass between me and someone I would have never imagined. Surprises can be very nice, but the window of opportunity will close quickly in this instance. Will I act or let the opportunity pass? "He who hesitates is lost." vs. "Haste makes waste." What's the worst that could happen? Perhaps I'll find out, in the next few steps on this wide open journey.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

More on Collaboration

Self selected groups or teams which gravitate together often have a shared vision and benefit from a history of success in other ventures. This provides a tremendous head start over groups which have been arbitrarily thrown together as well as many carefully "designed" teams.

The most significant variables are mutual respect or the lack of it, and a preoccupation with getting credit for ones self, or conversely, a concern that someone else will get the glory that they deserve. The successful team enjoys working together and understands that by collaborating they help to inspire and propel each other forward, while the group which is made up of individually competitive members believes that there can only be one winner and that helping another actually reduces their chances of success. Often they see a cooperative or collaborative nature in another as something to be taken advantage of.


Seven of Swords (inverted)
Five of Cups (inverted)

Both cards are quite similar. If they had been in the upright position, each would indicate more was lost than gained from a particular event or encounter- that you were left in a weakened state.

In this case, however, the position reverses the meaning. The challenge, disappointment or crisis has left you stronger, both in terms of personal and worldly power, but also more confident and empowered in the emotional realm. Both indicate growth as the result of adversity.

Monday, June 15, 2009


Too often, a group or organization which seeks to have its members collaborate, emphasizes form/formality over flow (the actual process of higher level collaboration)

Sadly, this tends to shackle more often than it facilitates quality work being done.

Real collaboration is built upon freely flowing relationships where high levels of trust and playfulness exist. Pettiness is normally non-existent. Participants in groups which work well do not feel threatened or slighted. The presence of these reactions/emotions is an indicator of a dysfunctional group.

Beginning Tarot

I am sharing cards which have been drawn for me, but may also be of use to you .

The World:
Everything continues to change. No matter what's happening, however good or bad, sooner or later, it could and probably will be entirely different, perhaps unrecognizably so. We need to be adaptable (able to learn from mistakes) and resilient. These are probably our most important life skills.

Seven of Wands (inverted)
I am lowering my guard and relaxing in those situations which are not genuinely threatening.
I am releasing the related assumptions and accompanying tension which I was carrying unnecessarily.