Monday, November 18, 2013

The Common Core Standards

The premise put forth which helped to "sell" the Common Core Standards was that they would bring about a shift in emphasis away from so much mindless memorization and move toward deeper thinking. This is an appealing idea. The process by which these new goals were arrived at is now however being called into question. It is important to look closely at who was involved in the design process, and who was excluded. It is also critical that we consider the merits of making education a competitive activity rather than one which is nurturing. Life IS competitive, but when we place too much emphasis competition and keeping score, we guarantee that there will be a few winners and many, many losers. Everyone learns- EVERYONE, in different ways and at different speeds, but we do learn. The saddest aspect of mainstream education is that far too many students come to believe that they can not learn.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

I actually have been wanting to write... and elsewhere, and I did a little yesterday and the day before, but not like I thought and hoped I would. I am however thinking a lot, but that's what I always do.

Considering once again the possibility of relocating, so that I can do more in my quiet way. But I am trying to consider what it is I will be leaving behind and letting go of.

Probably unrelated, but maybe not:
Healing / loving someone from a distance may be much less complicated than trying to do so from up close.
It may be easier to  transcend great distances  than to create much needed space without hurting another.

but misreading the intentions of another or stepping on one of their landmines are more likely from afar, and little things which become bigger than you would ever imagine are more difficult if not impossible to repair.

Even so, you can still love then and send them light to do with as they will-
all from your far away cloud.
and so it is

Saturday, July 13, 2013

once again it's been a while

It's not the challenges of life which have kept me away. I believe that it's more a matter of time management.
Anyway i am here at least for a moment.

I don't really expect most people to keep their promises any more, even when it seems that they have the best of intentions. This is not a statement of disappointment, but more a shift in perspective. It's simply the way things are.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

The Desire To Write

Well it seemed that I wanted to write. It felt as though I was aching to, Burning with the need to pour out such a wide variety of thoughts and feelings, but then after rereading all of Lost  and Found in a Kayak, and an entry or two from this forum, Wide Open I was left exhausted rather than inspired.
( I actually wrote expired when I was attempting to say inspired. Interesting, right?)
Hmmmmmmm dead in the water-
stuck in the Horse Latitudes. And now so, so mentally tired that I just want to lay down.
I will save this and try to come back again later.
Oh Well, Craigie, Better Luck Next Time.
I think it's a matter of reality getting to me, of doubting that my current happiness can or will continue
That I will blow everything. I guess I am afraid of losing what has now become precious. More later,
I just need to rest a bit, then I'll feel better.
Maybe I should stick with non-fiction for myself and the world and leave the poetry just for her.
Yes, no more looking back at the ones who got away and wondering what I might have done differently. Just focus on the present and be open to a new future, one which is not determined or undermined by the past.
Yes, that sounds like a plan.
Let all of the past go, and just begin again today, right now,
or maybe right after my little rest. Yes, I am still exhausted and when I get up it will be like a new day.
That seems good, yes, starting over with a clean slate always sounds very good.