Saturday, May 25, 2013

The Desire To Write

Well it seemed that I wanted to write. It felt as though I was aching to, Burning with the need to pour out such a wide variety of thoughts and feelings, but then after rereading all of Lost  and Found in a Kayak, and an entry or two from this forum, Wide Open I was left exhausted rather than inspired.
( I actually wrote expired when I was attempting to say inspired. Interesting, right?)
Hmmmmmmm dead in the water-
stuck in the Horse Latitudes. And now so, so mentally tired that I just want to lay down.
I will save this and try to come back again later.
Oh Well, Craigie, Better Luck Next Time.
I think it's a matter of reality getting to me, of doubting that my current happiness can or will continue
That I will blow everything. I guess I am afraid of losing what has now become precious. More later,
I just need to rest a bit, then I'll feel better.
Maybe I should stick with non-fiction for myself and the world and leave the poetry just for her.
Yes, no more looking back at the ones who got away and wondering what I might have done differently. Just focus on the present and be open to a new future, one which is not determined or undermined by the past.
Yes, that sounds like a plan.
Let all of the past go, and just begin again today, right now,
or maybe right after my little rest. Yes, I am still exhausted and when I get up it will be like a new day.
That seems good, yes, starting over with a clean slate always sounds very good.